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太平洋風暴 Storm Over the Pacific 含 1.03 升級 戰略模擬遊戲 英文破解版

遊戲名稱: 太平洋風暴 Storm Over the Pacific 含 1.03 升級
遊戲語系: 英文破解版
光碟片數: 單片裝
保護格式: 免光碟破解檔(見最底下)
遊戲序號: 無
系統支援: Windows XP/Vista/7
硬體需求: 見遊戲簡介下方
遊戲類型: 戰略模擬
更新日期: 2010.08.14
遊戲發行: Wastelands Interactive(S.KIDROW)
官方網站: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/stormoverthepacific/index.html
中文網站: 無
遊戲簡介: (以官方網站為準)
這款由 Wasteland Interactive  公司製作,是一套龐大的戰略遊戲。它給予玩家

《太平洋風暴》[由 4場大戰役以及8個場景組成。它們將帶玩家登上太平洋裡數不

《太平洋風暴》 繼承了《第二次世界大戰:憤怒之刻》(wastelands interactive
公司的前作)中優良的遊戲概念,並將其移至完全不同的地理政治環境中。 《第二

Storm Over the Pacific 含 1.03 升級 1.03 升級修正↓

- Air Strike description corrected
- Corrected starting date for Saipan scenario
- Corrected wrong price of units over first level
- Improved screen behavior after zooming or panning the map
- Zooming in and out does not causing map to jump/shake
- Corrected CTD when loading a scenario with country without a
- Corrected supply source display when unit was taking supply
  from Mulberry if it was cit off from city after Mulberry has
  been created
- Corrected beachhead display
- Partisans will appear only if they are land connected
- Strategic bombers redeployment fixed
- Corrected wrong triggers for Yantan Airfield event in
  Okinawa scenario
- Corrected nuclear weapon range
- Corrected nuclear weapon production

- Partisans in China now more dependable on Japan garrisoning
- Australian AI should coordinate strategic planning better in
  case of Japan invasion in Pacific Campaign
- AI will spend PP for technologies more rational
- AI focus more on repairing Naval units

- Possibility to land on Maloelap added in Pacific Campaign
- Ishikawa (23|38), Ginowan (20|47) Ginoza (35|35) and Onna
  (28|33) added to Okinawa scenario
- Normanton (146|143) and Daly Waters (129|141) added in
  Pacific Campaign
- Hiroshia port size increased to 8 in Pacific Campaign

- Vichy units in Indochina seceded to French Indochina

- Changed convoys data in Pacific Campaign
- Communists China will become more important player in fight
  for dominance in China in Pacific Campaign
- Communists China can be recreated after its fall in Pacific
- Shore bombardment now depends on the range only
- Landing Crfts and Troop Transporters now can not move after
  embarking, must wait for next turn

- First Marine Division event add

- F5 key now turns on/off units names
- Fleets can be sorted now
- Commanders can be sorted
- Few changes in hotkey assignemnt

- New event method added  Country.ChangeOwnershipOfAllAirUnits
  (countryID, CountryID)
- Avalibility to bind numeric keys to different locations on
  the map
- Added new report of naval groups lost
- Possibility to add alternative land units imgaes for
- Possibility to add images for customized land units (by
  naming the file with the name of unit)
- Possibility to sort columns in Units managers
- Added possibility to edit .ini files for scenarios

軟、硬體需求(參考遊戲安裝完成後的 Storm_over_the_Pacific_Manual.pdf 檔案)
- OS: Windows XP, Vista or 7
- CPU: 1.5 GHZ
- RAM: 512MB
- Video/Graphics: DX9 with 128 MB of RAM
- Sound: Basic Soundcard
- Hard disk space: 600MB


‧測試環境 Windows XP Service Pack 3 繁體中文版、Intel Core 2 Duo CPU
  E7400 2.80 GHz、1 GB 記憶體、Nvidia GeForce 9400 512MB 顯示卡晶片、
  NTSF 格式硬碟。

‧見光碟 "安裝說明.txt" 中文說明

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創造歷史2.世界大戰 Making History II The War of the World 含 1.0.16 升級 策略模擬遊戲 英文破解版

遊戲名稱: 創造歷史2.世界大戰 Making History II The War of the World 含 1.0.16 升級
遊戲語系: 英文破解版
光碟片數: 單片裝
保護格式: 免光碟破解檔(見最底下)
遊戲序號: 無
系統支援: Windows XP/Vista/7
硬體需求: 無相關資料
遊戲類型: 策略模擬
更新日期: 2010.08.14
遊戲發行: Muzzly Lane Software(S.KIDROW)
官方網站: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/makinghistoryiithewaroftheworld/index.html
中文網站: 無
遊戲簡介: (以官方網站為準)

玩家還能著手研究一組武器系統及戰術演進的發展; 不斷修理、強化和升級現有力


,宗教和政治思想而做具體區分; 諸多客觀事實將挑起國家動亂,誘發叛亂,政變


1.0.16 升級修正
New Features
- Air units now gain experience for combat
- Add revenue categories for Canned Goods and Fish Products to
  Finance panels

Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug that stopped liberation from working when you were
  still at war with the previous owner
- Newly liberated nations will pick their historic capital
  when possible
- Fixed bug that could cause a crash when wars merge
- Cleanup all treaties when nations are destroyed (fixes save
- Fixed bug that allowed bombing units to bomb a region even
  though they should have been killed by AA
- Fixed bug that sometimes blocked dismantling of city
  buildings and region improvements
- Fixed bug that sometimes sent decision point for dismantling
  resource producers to the wrong nation (fixes save error)
- Fixed bug that would sometimes cause the game to stall when
  annexing a puppet

- Added new notifications
- AA damage/destruction
- Aerial combat damage/destruction
- Coastal Defense damage/destruction
- New Dismiss All button for notification paper
- Added jump target button for top of notification newspaper
- Used new utility values to build bars in summary panel
  combat bubbles
- Switched flags in combat bubbles to be attacker/defender
  instead of you/other nation
- Fixed display of Angolan flags
- Region worker and digger will be idle if the project is
  stalled for lack of resources
- Added sorting to Trade Deals panel
- Added more notification background images
- Exposed infrastructure hit percentage in encyclopedia unit
- Updated model for trade interdiction

- Improved choosing of factories to build
- Fixed bug that could cause the game to stall when land
  invasions merged

- Added missing airbases
- Made AA and Coastal Defenses much more effective (they
  werent very effective at all)
- Tuned build times of region improvements

- Fixed Next buttons in multiplayer
- Fixed autosave for multiplayer
- Added a confirm dialog box to deleting saved games

Known Issues
- Multiplayer load still fails - fix coming next week

1.0.15 升級修正

New Features
- Add Trade Partners and Interdiction data to Trade Routes map
- Selecting a nation will show trading partners, routes used,
  and interdiction data from last turn
- Major update to liberation behavior
- Players may now liberate any regions they control without
  waiting for wars to end
- Player may now choose which regions to liberate when
  liberating a nationality
- Bump money transfer buttons up to start at $10,000 rather
  than $100
- Stop auto-transferring regions to allies when a nation joins
  an alliance

Bug Fixes
- Fix crash that occurred if city output was modified to 0 by
- Fixed occasional crash when alliances merged
- Fixed crash that could occur when a city building was
- Fixed crash that could occur when a research building was
- Fixed crash that could occur when a resource producer was
- Fixed rare crash when a nation is destroyed
- Fix some inconsistencies in the farm production numbers
  between outputs/improvements/tooltips
- Modified bomb hostile units behavior to be settable only
  when hostile units exist in a region, and to cancel if no
  hostile units remain
- PT Boat shotting direction fixed
- Fixed bug in ranged attack that let all units attack
  without range restrictions
- Fixed bugs in use of missile units
- Fixed bug that allowed units (including ships at sea) to
  resupply even when not in supply
- Fixed ICBMs to be able to deliver atomic bombs
- Fixed bug in handling of arms and oil when a unit is
- Fixed bug that prevented units from getting initial oil
  when created
- Fixed bug that could cause a negative value trade deal
  to be reported
- Fixed bug that could cause food revenue to go negative

- Add terrain Modifier page to Encyclopedia
- Add jump to Terrain Modifiers page to terrain icon in
  region panel
- Reworked Stability Modifiers on Government Panels
- Game Over panel now pops up when player is conquered in
  single player games
- Wrap flags on Wars panel
- Display Region Supply Penalty on city IPUs
- Format numbers on end game screen
- Fill in Idle MPUs on Region Statistics panel
- Change computation of victory % for tooltip on engagement
- Added Tool tip for Unemployment in Government Panels
- Sort nationalities in the Government Nationalities panel
- Fixed region workers to always be above ground
- Update popout notifications panel background
- Tweak region panel text for transportation improvements
- Add movement modifier value to tooltip on transportation
  improvement on small region panel

- Improved attack logic
- Improved logic for choosing units to build
- Start using military access ports for fleet resupply
- Improved opportunistic expansion target selecting
- Fixed some naval unit bugs that caused units to get stuck
- Fixed rare bug that would stall game

- Added Food Processing Plant Industry Building
- Added 2 new money generating city outputs tied to Food
  Processing Plant: Canned Goods & Fish Products (only port
- Added Canneries research project back into game as a pre-req
  to the Food Processing Plant
- Fix Decals for SW Africa
- Modified Completed Research to account for new Canneries
- Region Nationality icon to display Regional Nationality as
  opposed to Owners Nationality
- Increased texture quality on units
- Fix typo in Oil Refineries description
- Edited String Display to swap Eastern & Western Nepal region
- Altered Historic Regions data for Egypt & UK
- Tuned naval unit movement points
- Updated terrain movement and combat modifiers
- Update transportation improvement modifiers

- Added support for loading saved multiplayer games
- Currently all players must return and choose the same
- More improvements to content updating

Known Issues
- Tooltips on Units in Engagement panels are incorrect
- Air units flying missions from carrier units in engagements
  will draw mission arrows from wierd location


‧測試環境 Windows XP Service Pack 3 繁體中文版、Intel Core 2 Duo CPU
  E7400 2.80 GHz、1 GB 記憶體、Nvidia GeForce 9400 512MB 顯示卡晶片、
  NTSF 格式硬碟。

‧見光碟 "安裝說明.txt" 中文說明

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遙遠的世界 Distant Worlds 含 Update 升級 策略模擬遊戲 英文破解版

遊戲名稱: 遙遠的世界 Distant Worlds 含 Update 升級
遊戲語系: 英文破解版
光碟片數: 單片裝
保護格式: 免光碟破解檔(見最底下)
遊戲序號: 19487
系統支援: Windows XP/Vista/7
硬體需求: 見遊戲簡介下方
遊戲類型: 策略模擬
更新日期: 2010.07.29
遊戲發行: Matrix Games(S.KIDROW)
官方網站: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/distantworlds/index.html
中文網站: 無
遊戲簡介: (以官方網站為準)
《Distant Worlds》由 Code Force 開發,Matrix Games發行,是一套以宇宙空間


軟、硬體需求(參考遊戲安裝後的 DW-Manual-[EBOOK].pdf 檔案)
- OS: Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista, Windows 7
- CPU: Pentium 4 @1.5 GHz
- RAM: 1Gb RAM
- Video/Graphics: minimum 1024 x 768 resolution, 32 bit
- Sound: DirectX 9 compatible
- Hard disk space: approx 500Mb
- CD-Rom: not required, except if installing from CD
- DirectX version: 9.0c or later
- Peripheral hardware: keyboard, mouse
- Anything else that is needed: Microsoft .Net
- Framework 3.0 or later (included with installer)


‧測試環境 Windows XP Service Pack 3 繁體中文版、Intel Core 2 Duo CPU
  E7400 2.80 GHz、1 GB 記憶體、Nvidia GeForce 9400 512MB 顯示卡晶片、
  NTSF 格式硬碟。

‧見光碟 "安裝說明.txt" 中文說明

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空中王牌.太平洋之戰 Air Aces Pacific 含 1.01 升級 空戰模擬遊戲 英文破解版

遊戲名稱: 空中王牌.太平洋之戰 Air Aces Pacific 含 1.01 升級
遊戲語系: 英文破解版
光碟片數: 單片裝
保護格式: 免光碟破解檔(見最底下)
遊戲序號: 無
系統支援: Windows XP/Vista/7
硬體需求: 無相關資料
遊戲類型: 空戰模擬
更新日期: 2010.07.21
遊戲發行: Wastelands Interactive(T.iNYiSO S.KIDROW)
官方網站: http://wastelands-interactive.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=71&Itemid=72
中文網站: 無
遊戲簡介: (以官方網站為準)
Wastelands Interactive 今日宣佈了由 Vipagames 開發的新作《空中王牌.太平


- 真實的空中戰鬥
- 動態場景
- 無數的活躍的飛機
- 充滿變數的真實環境
- 多種可選飛機
- 生涯模式

Air Aces: Pacific v1.01 Update 包含以下修正↓
- improved look of water
- improved behavior of water
- improved connection between land and water
- improved sky
- moon added in night missions
- added more diverse vegetation on islands
- improved ships lighting
- soft shadows added
- improved ships firing
- improved shading on island
- improved look of roofs
- ships level od detail changed
- fire and smoke added to shooted away parts of the plane
- amount of details increased in game menu
- changed water reflections
- clouds graphic changed
- improved look of the game on low details
- optimized display of the island terrain
- particles now displayed more properly
- objects shadow building improved
- post-process system changed
- sfx balance fixed
- improved flares behavior during collision with water

- corrected brightness of ships when a rocket closing in
- corrected sun flares
- corrected radial blur of the plane position
- corrected awards display after end of the mission
- corrected a bug that sometimes caused wrong collison detection for the bullets
- corrected mission 10
- corrected mission 13
- corrected mission 15
- corrected problems with loading explosion gfx
- corrected problem with wrong clouds colour display on ATI cards
- fixed problems with wrong display of bullets on ATI cards
- fixed loading sfx files
- plane speed display corrected
- lighting now behaves properly when game pasued

- improved torpedo/rocket camera behavior
- AA turrets now visible on map

- flight steering slightly corrected
- changed information about secondary targets
- carrer points system improved
- improved targeting in zoom mode (after pressing space)
- achievment points balanced
- building collisions improved
- shock wave range increased
- bullets trajectory calculated earlier

- improved enemy planes AI
- improved AA-turrets AI
- improved AI pathfinding


‧測試環境 Windows XP Service Pack 3 繁體中文版、Intel Core 2 Duo CPU
  E7400 2.80 GHz、1 GB 記憶體、Nvidia GeForce 9400 512MB 顯示卡晶片、
  NTSF 格式硬碟。

‧見光碟 "安裝說明.txt" 中文說明

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虛擬水族寵物.海豚 101 Dolphin Pets 模擬養成遊戲 英文版

遊戲名稱: 虛擬水族寵物.海豚 101 Dolphin Pets
遊戲語系: 英文版
光碟片數: 單片裝
保護格式: 無保護
遊戲序號: 無
系統支援: Windows XP/Vista/7
硬體需求: 見遊戲簡介下方
遊戲類型: 模擬養成
更新日期: 2010.08.21
遊戲發行: Avanquest Software(A.RM)
官方網站: http://www.amazon.co.uk/101-Dolphin-Pets-PC-CD/dp/B002ECE8ZU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1282396317&sr=8-1
中文網站: 無
遊戲簡介: (以官方網站為準)
《101 Dolphin Pets》是《Aquapets 101》系列虛擬水族寵物遊戲中的一套,在這


軟、硬體需求(參考遊戲光碟裡的 ReadMe.txt 檔案)
- WindowsR Vista, XP
- 700 MHz or faster processor
- 256 MB RAM
- 180 MB free hard disk space
- 800 x 600 monitor, 32-bit color
- 64 MB video card
- DirectXR 9.0c or higher
- DirectX compatible sound card & speakers
- 8X CD-ROM or DVD drive


‧測試環境 Windows XP Service Pack 3 繁體中文版、Intel Core 2 Duo CPU
  E7400 2.80 GHz、1 GB 記憶體、Nvidia GeForce 9400 512MB 顯示卡晶片、
  NTSF 格式硬碟。

‧見光碟 "安裝說明.txt" 中文說明

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星海爭霸2.自由之翼 StarCraft 2 Wings of Liberty 含 1.0.1 升級 即時戰略遊戲 繁體中文破解版

遊戲名稱: 星海爭霸2.自由之翼 StarCraft 2 Wings of Liberty 含 1.0.1 升級
遊戲語系: 繁體中文破解版
光碟片數: 單片裝(單面雙層 DVD)
保護格式: 免光碟破解檔(見最底下)
遊戲序號: 無
系統支援: Windows XP/Vista/7
硬體需求: 見遊戲簡介下方
遊戲類型: 即時戰略
更新日期: 2010.07.27
遊戲發行: Blizzard Entertainment(B.lizzard)
官方網站: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/starcraft2/index.html
中文網站: http://tw.starcraft2.com
遊戲簡介: (以官方網站為準)

在這次的最新作中,除了搭載 Havok物理引擎之外,另外遊戲還首度採用了能夠呈
現複雜動畫效果的曲線 IK 系統,同時也對應光源明暗對比的 HDR圖像。

至於在種族方面,目前已知的部份為將會由原本的 Terran、Protoss 以及 Zerg三
兩門可以供擊地上或空中的機關砲的雙足步行機器 Viking、 能藉由自動修理單位
力的直昇機 Banshee等等,另外遊戲內也將增加其他例如能夠潛入地下,讓地上部
隊通過的補給倉(Supply Depot)、或是能夠輔助飛彈、砲塔(Missile Turret)
所失去的「Detection」探知能力的感知塔 (Sensor Tower)、能夠一次生產兩個
單位不對的原子爐(Nuclear Reactor) 跟能夠透過專用技術的研究來生產更高階
單位的技術研究所(Tech Lab)等等。

軟、硬體需求(參考遊戲安裝程式裡的 StarCraft II Manual.pdf 檔案)
- PC OS: WindowsR XP/Windows VistaR/WindowsR 7 (Latest Service Packs)
- with DirectXR 9.0c
- Processor: 2.6 GHz PentiumR IV or equivalent AMD AthlonR Processor
- Video: 128 MB PCIe NVIDIAR GeForceR 6600 GT or ATI RadeonR 9800 PRO
- video card or better
- MacR OS: MacR OS X 10.5.8, 10.6.2 or newer
- Processor: IntelR Processor
- Video: NVIDIAR GeForceR 8600M GT or ATI RadeonR X1600 or better


‧測試環境 Windows XP Service Pack 3 繁體中文版、Intel Core 2 Duo CPU
  E7400 2.80 GHz、1 GB 記憶體、Nvidia GeForce 9400 512MB 顯示卡晶片、
  NTFS 格式硬碟

‧見光碟 "安裝說明.txt" 中文說明

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異形戰場2010年版 Aliens VS Predator 含 Update 4 升級 第一人稱射擊遊戲 英文破解版【2片裝】

遊戲名稱: 異形戰場2010年版 Aliens VS Predator 含 Update 4 升級
遊戲語系: 英文破解版
光碟片數: 2片裝(單面雙層 DVD)
保護格式: 免光碟破解檔(見最底下)
遊戲序號: 無
系統支援: Windows XP/Vista/7
硬體需求: 見遊戲簡介下方
遊戲類型: 第一人稱射擊
更新日期: 2010.07.29
遊戲發行: Sega of America(R.ELOADED S.KIDROW)
官方網站: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/aliensvspredatorworkingtitle/index.html
中文網站: http://acg.gamer.com.tw/acgDetail.php?s=27722
遊戲簡介: (以官方網站為準)
本作描述發生在人類(陸戰隊)、異形 (Alien)及終極戰士 (Predator) 三個種族



終極戰士所能使用的特殊攻擊- 暗殺,只要移動到敵人後方就能使用暗殺將對方一

此外遊戲還提供 7  種不同的多人模式讓玩家選擇,讓玩家能選擇各式各樣的模式

軟、硬體需求(參考遊戲安裝完成後的 readme_en.txt 檔案)
- Windows XP, Vista, or 7
- 1.8GHz Core 2 Duo Intel or equivalent AMD CPU
- 1 GB RAM (XP) or 2 GB RAM (Vista, Windows 7)
- NVIDIA GeForce 6800 or better with 256 MB of video memory
 (7300, 8100, 8200, 8300, 8400, and 9300 are below minimum system requirements)
- ATI X1600 Pro or better with 256 MB of video memory
 (HD3200, and HD4350 are below minimum system requirements)
- Shader Model 3.0 required
- 100% DirectX compatible sound card and drivers
- DirectX August 2008


‧測試環境 Windows XP Service Pack 3 繁體中文版、Intel Core 2 Duo CPU
  E7400 2.80 GHz、1 GB 記憶體、Nvidia GeForce 9400 512MB 顯示卡晶片、
  NTFS 格式硬碟

‧見光碟 "安裝說明.txt" 中文說明

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指揮官.征服美洲 Commander Conquest of the Americas 含 Colonial Navy 策略模擬遊戲 英文版

遊戲名稱: 指揮官.征服美洲 Commander Conquest of the Americas 含 Colonial Navy
遊戲語系: 英文版
光碟片數: 單片裝(單面 DVD)
保護格式: 已破解
遊戲序號: 無
系統支援: Windows XP/Vista/7
硬體需求: 無相關資料
遊戲類型: 策略模擬
更新日期: 2010.07.31
遊戲發行: Paradox Interactive(R.ELOADED S.KIDROW)
官方網站: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/commanderconquestoftheamericas/index.html
中文網站: http://acg.gamer.com.tw/acgDetail.php?s=36995
遊戲簡介: (以官方網站為準)
光碟裡包含了 Colonial Navy 遊戲擴充內容

的指揮官,前去征服新大陸。玩家要從歐洲 7個不同的派系中選擇,負責建立新的

玩家可以在 RTS操作風格下控制船隻,或者直接控制艦隊與敵國和嗜血的海盜交戰


‧測試環境 Windows XP Service Pack 3 繁體中文版、Intel Core 2 Duo CPU
  E7400 2.80 GHz、1 GB 記憶體、Nvidia GeForce 9400 512MB 顯示卡晶片、
  NTFS 格式硬碟

‧見光碟 "安裝說明.txt" 中文說明

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鐵路工廠2010 Railworks 2010 經營模擬遊戲 英文版

遊戲名稱: 鐵路工廠2010 Railworks 2010
遊戲語系: 英文版
光碟片數: 單片裝(單面 DVD)
保護格式: 已破解
遊戲序號: 無
系統支援: Windows XP/Vista/7
硬體需求: 無相關資料
遊戲類型: 經營模擬
更新日期: 2010.05.23
遊戲發行: RailSimulator(R.ELOADED)
官方網站: http://www.RailSimulator.com
中文網站: 無
遊戲簡介: (以官方網站為準)
一個新概念火車模擬遊戲,駕駛 13種不同的火車頭沿著8條不同的路線在英國,北

軟、硬體需求(參考安裝完成後的 manual.pdf 檔案)
- Operating system Windows XP/Vista/7
- Processor Pentium IV 2.0 GHz
- Memory 1 GB RAM
- Free disk space 2 GB
- Video card 256MB, DirectX 9 compatible
- Sound card DirectX 9 compatible
- Other DVD drive, keyboard & mouse


‧測試環境 Windows XP Service Pack 3 繁體中文版、Intel Core 2 Duo CPU
  E7400 2.80 GHz、1 GB 記憶體、Nvidia GeForce 9400 512MB 顯示卡晶片、
  NTFS 格式硬碟

‧見光碟 "安裝說明.txt" 中文說明

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澳式橄欖球教練2010 Premiership Coach 2010 運動經營模擬遊戲 英文破解版

遊戲名稱: 澳式橄欖球教練2010 Premiership Coach 2010
遊戲語系: 英文破解版
光碟片數: 單片裝
保護格式: 免光碟破解檔(見最底下)
遊戲序號: 無
系統支援: Windows XP/Vista/7
硬體需求: 無相關資料
遊戲類型: 運動經營模擬
更新日期: 2010.07.22
遊戲發行: Southern Cross Studios(R.ELOADED)
官方網站: http://www.premiership-coach.com
中文網站: 無
遊戲簡介: (以官方網站為準)

- 可以在無限制的賽季中展開生涯
- 完全可自定義的細節有: 俱樂部名字, 聯賽名字 和獎金名
- 廣泛的真實球員數據 並且每場比賽後可以升級
- 廣泛的真實球員,俱樂部,聯賽數據並且每場比賽後可以升級 - 可以令你的球員
- 擁有澳洲足球史上最廣泛的數據記錄,包括球員,俱樂部,聯賽,教練等.
- 遊戲自動適應玩家的顯示器解析度並且可以全屏遊戲或者視窗化遊戲.
- 良好的使用者界面, 可以在Vistas 以上的版本運行 並且可以體現出美輪美奐.
- 可以選擇在關鍵的即時比賽中遊戲,或者可以通過遊戲自動模擬跳過.
- 可以令電腦助教執行大部分任務.
- 可以以原始球隊或完全自定一支球隊來開始遊戲 - 可以在自己適合的情況下用遊


‧測試環境 Windows XP Service Pack 3 繁體中文版、Intel Core 2 Duo CPU
  E7400 2.80 GHz、1 GB 記憶體、Nvidia GeForce 9400 512MB 顯示卡晶片、
  NTFS 格式硬碟

‧見光碟 "安裝說明.txt" 中文說明

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